Wednesday, January 15, 2020

French And Indian War DBQ Essay

For decades, the French traded with the Indian tribes. This move created a civilized alliance with the Indians so that they could have a new region to claim as New France. Precious beaver furs was the main selling point. Soon enough, tensions rose whenever Pennsylvanians and Virginians decided that they also wanted to lay claims on this new found frontier land. This led to massive conflict between the colonies and ended up being one of the most brutal massacres in history. This is also known as the Seven Years’ War. The French and Indian war changed the relationship between the British and American colonies. By seeing this land as a way to enhance each’s wealth and power they would go to no extent to reach their goal, no matter what the consequences were. The French and Indian war changed the perspective of British and American colonies in about every way of economically, ideologically, and politically. Politically it effected the colonies by republicanism, ideologicall y because of independence, and economically through the taxation. In document one, the colonial power in pre-war 1754 started out as evenly disputed throughout North America. Some of the colonial power over certain parts of North America were shared between Great Britain and the French before the war. Then, the power in post-war 1763 looked as if the British had almost total control of North America. The only parts it didn’t own was Louisiana and Texas, which was owned by the Spanish. The great gain of control in power and expansion of territories for Britain led to more responsibility. When the British began taking over politically, they started changing government by wanting a republican system over the English monarchy. Document four states how the colonial militiamen were denied access to the clothes and or supplies they needed, even though they were Englishmen born, they were not the regular British. These colonial men were being held under the British powers. It was time for these men to leave to go home, but they were not yet allowed to leave. They swore to do no more duty for them while they were there since it was there time to leave, which then caused conflict because the British wanted to still have power over  them. Document three begins to talk about George Washington’s loyalty to his king and country and he has respect for his new commander General Braddock with such great experience and abilities. After the General got shot during a battle George Washington is declared to be the leader. He later on signs a treaty written in French, even though he cannot read or speak French, and by signing that treaty he is tricked into confessing that he killed a commanding officer. The Treaty of Paris ended the French and Indian war in 1763, according to document five. The Treaty of Paris also made Britain more powerful because Britain became the sole leading political power. The colonists praise that the threat of enemies were removed and they can begin to enjoy the freedom. Even though the Treaty of Paris ended the war there was still war expenses that were enormously expensive that made the victory less sweet because those expenses were hanging over them. 1763 the national debt doubled in Britain whenever Pitt started in office. According to document five, the British Order in Council believed that the revenue coming in from America was less than enough and insufficient. The council was saying that they needed to create a larger revenue to keep the military protection over the colonies. Also, that if new territory came along and the population expanded they would need more oversight, which costs even more money. To get the revenue needed to pay debts the British begin to enforce mercantilist policies. The trade was beginning to be regulated as required to bring in more money. To show more authority the British took greater control over the colonial Government’s affair and gave them little to no control over it. Economically, the British were in control of all revenue due to the major need of revenue to help pay the debts and they were determined to do whatever it took to get the money. In 1765 The Stamp Act was created to raise greater amounts of revenue. The Stamp Act was a tax on all paper that was required for official documents like newspapers, court documents, licenses, ships’ cargo lists, etc. It required an attached stamp for proof that the tax for it had been paid. In 1766 a worldwide resistance towards The Stamp Act evolved to try and repeal the unfair tax. Document eight begins talking about how Benjamin Franklin tells John Hughs that he is working in hopes to repeal The Stamp Act. Franklin still wants to obey the laws and avoid punishment, but he knows hostility will be shown toward the political system from the colonists. Document seven shows a cutout from a  Pennsylvanian newspaper during this crucial time in 1765. The newspaper shows rebellion by using skull and cross bone symbols to describe the times as dreadful. The newspaper leaves a place for the stamp but fills it with a skull and words that said â€Å"An emblem of the effects of the STAMP, o’ the fatal stamp.† The newspaper puts the article in the shape of a tombstone to represent the death of colonial government’s rights. The newspaper encourages the people to take a stand and rebel against The Stamp Act to bring it to an end. In conclusion, The French and Indian war was a battle between the English and French for power over colonies in North America. This battle is well known as the Seven Years War. This results with problems occurring economically, politically, and ideologically. No real winner was made from this battle because even though the British won they were in enormous amounts of debt that they couldn’ t pay off. This debt almost crashed the whole English government. The British started off by gaining power over most of North America after the war, but didn’t realize the complications that came along with it. Next, they began to make America pay revenue to help the British pay off their debt and pay for military protection services over the colonies. Finally, the Stamp Act was introduced to the colonies to tax them on official papers and this was also to help get more revenue. This caused a widespread up rise of people who did not agree with the unfair tax on paper. Tempers were flared and the peoples’ limits had been pushed far enough because of this debt. Debt was the main cause of rages within colonies, which then lead to the bursting point, known as the Revolutionary War.

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